create confusion it sets creativity free everything that is contradictory creates life destroy! destruction is a form of creation act like a kamikaze
Monday, February 25, 2008
povestea asta dureaza de prea mult timp si oamenii au ajuns sa considere ca asa e in firea lucrurilor si ca nu se poate altfel. multi cred ca nu pot trai fara lesa si cativa nu pot trai fara si tina pe ceilalti in naiba cu toti!sa punem capat acestei lumi impartite in stapani si sclavi. pentru ca niciuna din aceste notiuni nu are sens, pentru ca intre stapani si sclavi nu exista iubire si pentru ca ''iubirea'' dintre stapani si stapani si cea dintre sclavi si sclavi e pura degradare . asa ca sa luam pistoalele si sa-i ucidem pe toti - si stapani si sclavi!
de pe front,
vorbe de sf duh
Saturday, February 23, 2008
el guerillero
recitesc Abbadon exterminatorul al lui Ernesto Sabato. ajungand la pasajul cu uciderea lui Che Guevara si mutilarea cadavrului sau am avut aceeasi reactie ca si la prima lectura: lacrimi mari mi-au curs pe obraji... sentimentul nedreptatii,dar nu doar asta; faptul ca un om altruist si care dorea doar binele semenilor sai a avut parte de un astfel de sfarsit iar acum a ajuns doar o imagine folosita in scopuri comerciale; un simbol al culturii de masa - care,ca orice simbol al culturii de masa nu are decat semnificatie comerciala. o adevarata profanare folosirea chipului lui Che Guevara in scopuri comerciale. revoltator,la fel de revoltatoare ca palma pe care imputitul de eddy gonzalez i-a dat-o cadavrului comandantului.cum, frate, sa faci asa ceva?! - oare de ce ma mir, in fond, aceasta e o atitudine cat se poate de umana. hit them when their down, that's how most prove they have...cojones
de pe front,
Monday, February 18, 2008
postul asta e un raspuns la jocul initiat unii (o leapsha despre iubire) si in care m-a bagat herminedirt,mai multe explicatii aici
no,trebuia sa fi scris mai demult,dar n-am avut timp si scriu acum dupa ce in euforia momentului am luat chitara si am inceput sa zdrangan un cantecel improvizat asa din seninul cerului (pe bune,ma uitam la cer,cu chitara in mana si asta a iesit).
Dm (loud) i take a look at the sky - yayayayay
D (softer) and realise it's blue
D and realise it's blue - (louder) uuuuuuuuu
Dm (softer) when i'm thinking bout you
A (scream) youuuuuuu're a fuckin' bastard
D (real soft) and i think i love you
Dm (louder) but you will never know
you will never know
how could you know when you
A (scream) 're a fuckin bastard
D (real loud) you're a fuckin bastard
(real soft) a fuckin bastard
deci,da..asta am scris eu despre iubire,n-o sa intelegeti nimic...poate daca m-ati auzi cantand...ati intelege... ati intelege cum au inteles si vecinii mei...ati intelege cat de afona sunt... dap,cantecelul nu e o gluma;da' e penal si da e mai mult zgomot,da'ce sa-i fac daca asa imi exprim eu sentimetele? in fond,vorba lui nichita stanescu 'nu trebuie intelese sentimentele -/ ele trebuie sa fie traite.../nu trebuie mai ales sa intelegem - /trebuie mai ales sa fim; dar mai ales sa fi fost,/ intr-adevar, mai ales sa fi fost'
dau leapsha mai departe la thieffa
no,trebuia sa fi scris mai demult,dar n-am avut timp si scriu acum dupa ce in euforia momentului am luat chitara si am inceput sa zdrangan un cantecel improvizat asa din seninul cerului (pe bune,ma uitam la cer,cu chitara in mana si asta a iesit).
Dm (loud) i take a look at the sky - yayayayay
D (softer) and realise it's blue
D and realise it's blue - (louder) uuuuuuuuu
Dm (softer) when i'm thinking bout you
A (scream) youuuuuuu're a fuckin' bastard
D (real soft) and i think i love you
Dm (louder) but you will never know
you will never know
how could you know when you
A (scream) 're a fuckin bastard
D (real loud) you're a fuckin bastard
(real soft) a fuckin bastard
deci,da..asta am scris eu despre iubire,n-o sa intelegeti nimic...poate daca m-ati auzi cantand...ati intelege... ati intelege cum au inteles si vecinii mei...ati intelege cat de afona sunt... dap,cantecelul nu e o gluma;da' e penal si da e mai mult zgomot,da'ce sa-i fac daca asa imi exprim eu sentimetele? in fond,vorba lui nichita stanescu 'nu trebuie intelese sentimentele -/ ele trebuie sa fie traite.../nu trebuie mai ales sa intelegem - /trebuie mai ales sa fim; dar mai ales sa fi fost,/ intr-adevar, mai ales sa fi fost'
dau leapsha mai departe la thieffa
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Never Drink Alone
cum n-am gasit versurile la 'never drink alone' de la anti-nowhere league, am stat eu frumos si le-am scris ca poate le-o mai cauta careva si nu le-o gasi!
[sorry mate,we don't serve your kind here]
how many beers can i force down my neck
before i forget who i am?
and how many beers must i drink with these queers
before i can prove i'm a man?
let's have a night of drinking
forget about the things to do
let's have another beer or two
- hey,this one's got it's name on you!
and how many bars must i crawl from the stars
before i know i am stoned
how many glasses do i raise to the lassies
and again i walk home all alone
and i will go on drinking
as my world goes on sinking
but i will never drink alone!
yes, i will go on drinking
as my world goes on sinking
but i will never drink alone
let's have a night of drinking
forget about the things to do
let's have another beer or two
- hey,this one's got it's name on you!
and how many chants will it take to piss my pants
or fall in a heath upon the floorand
how many fights can i take on tonight
until i can't fight anymore?
let's have a night of drinking
forget about the things to do
let's have another beer or two
- hey,this one's got it's name on you!
ah,we will go on drinking
as our world goes on sinking
and we we'll never drink alone
and i will go on drinking
as my world goes on sinking
but i will never drink alone
Drink up!:D
[sorry mate,we don't serve your kind here]
how many beers can i force down my neck
before i forget who i am?
and how many beers must i drink with these queers
before i can prove i'm a man?
let's have a night of drinking
forget about the things to do
let's have another beer or two
- hey,this one's got it's name on you!
and how many bars must i crawl from the stars
before i know i am stoned
how many glasses do i raise to the lassies
and again i walk home all alone
and i will go on drinking
as my world goes on sinking
but i will never drink alone!
yes, i will go on drinking
as my world goes on sinking
but i will never drink alone
let's have a night of drinking
forget about the things to do
let's have another beer or two
- hey,this one's got it's name on you!
and how many chants will it take to piss my pants
or fall in a heath upon the floorand
how many fights can i take on tonight
until i can't fight anymore?
let's have a night of drinking
forget about the things to do
let's have another beer or two
- hey,this one's got it's name on you!
ah,we will go on drinking
as our world goes on sinking
and we we'll never drink alone
and i will go on drinking
as my world goes on sinking
but i will never drink alone
Drink up!:D
'cel mai simplu act suprarealist consta in a cobora in strada cu revolverul in mana si a trage la intamplare, cat de mult posibil, in multime. cine n-a simtit macar odata nevoia de a termina astfel cu sistemul de degradare si de cretinizare in vigoare, isi are locul binemeritat in aceasta multime, in bataia pustii'
yeahhhhhhh! foarte bine zise Andre Breton si mai apoi dupa trecerea anilor foarte rusinos s-a dezis de aceste vorbe si convingeri...
someday. someday i'll buy a gun and start a war not because there's something to fight for but because there's a whole latta shit to fight against. neah, da' tot mai bine e cum a zis nenea Breton. sa tragi la intamplare .
yeahhhhhhh! foarte bine zise Andre Breton si mai apoi dupa trecerea anilor foarte rusinos s-a dezis de aceste vorbe si convingeri...
someday. someday i'll buy a gun and start a war not because there's something to fight for but because there's a whole latta shit to fight against. neah, da' tot mai bine e cum a zis nenea Breton. sa tragi la intamplare .
am fost cu neshte preteni si noi in mall si peste ce dam noi acolo? uite peste o ratusca anarhista,neagra imprimata cu acel A anume si cu slogane ca: 'don't vote' si 'u duck' (adica 'you suck',probabil). evident ca pe ratusca mai scria si sex pistols si punk.hihihi. foarte haioasa aceasta ratusca, and guess what? e o ratusca de baie!!!
PS: acum stiti ce sa-mi luati de ziua mea!
PPS:nu de ziua de nastere care tocmai a trecut, de ziua de nume care urmeaza ;))
PS: acum stiti ce sa-mi luati de ziua mea!
PPS:nu de ziua de nastere care tocmai a trecut, de ziua de nume care urmeaza ;))
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