Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It’s not like I don’t like the type of music you listen to – it’s just that... it aint’ music.don’t know how you can call that dancing. I do the same when I’m waiting in the bus station – swinging my legs .when I went to that stupid prom (waste of time and waste of money,could’ve been better without it that’s for sure) I was swinging my legs just because I was utterly bored not because ‘the music’ was stirring me in any way. That would’ve been impossible.

Now, tudor chirila singing something about a father killing a pig with a knife and and shit about god and parliament... now that sux! So fuck it .last ‘official’ fun I have in school.we waited for parazitii to make a show, but either they suck live or it was just the sound system of that shit of a club (maxx) where people at the bar treat you like vermin and ignore you minutes till they take your order although there’s no one else! so fuck that!

Just waste of fuckin time.i’ve lost two laboratories I had the next they. And for what?! Ahhh,anddd a a fuckin manelar asked for my phone number... MY PHONE NUMBER! Why would a manelar need my number? This simply puzzled me... ah,looks like there is still a bit of mistery in this much too concrete world...

Friday, November 07, 2008

Pulp - Like a Friend [HQ sound]

Don't bother saying you're sorry
Why don't you come in
Smoke all my cigarettes again
Every time I get no further
How long has it been?
Come on in now, wipe your feet on my dreams
You take up my time
Like some cheap magazine
When I could have been learning something
Oh well, you know what I mean, oh
I've done this before
And I will do it again
Come on and kill me baby
While you smile like a friend
Oh and I'll come running
Just to do it again
You are the last drink I never should have drunk
You are the body hidden in the trunk
You are the habit I can't seem to kick
You are my secrets on the front page every week
You are the car I never should have bought
You are the dream I never should have caught
You are the cut that makes me hide my face
You are the party that makes me feel my age
Like a car crash I can see but I just can't avoid
Like a plane I've been told I never should board
Like a film that's so bad but I've got to stay till the end
Let me tell you now: it's lucky for you that we're friends.

and i ask:

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Naiv - Мama anarhia

rusii astia sunt foarte misto! oi,oi!

activitati extra-scolare

pe noua noiembrie cica o sa fie un mars impotriva discriminarii. o prietena facea misto de mine si mi-a zis: 'nu mergem si noi?' ceea ce m-a surprins pentru ca tipa e mai nazista.lacare ea mi-a zis ca nu face misto,ea vine cu nazistii si eu cu antifa-u.buna gluma,nu?
oricum,chestiile astea 'de prostest' mi se pare puerile si intr-un fel penibile.adica, fost si eu la cateva si n-a fost mare chestie.participantii mi s-au parut ca faceau mai degraba parada decat protest - deci,nu tocmai genul meu de chestie. si uitandu-ma pe siteul celor care au initiat acest mars mi se pare din nou ceva nepotrivit.adica,de ce as striga''
Patria mea este lumea intreaga! '' ? sau de ce as spune ca toti suntem diferiti dar egali? ori suntem diferiti,ori suntem egali. din doua una.chestiile astea 'sociale' mi se par un fel de spalari de creier,ca vin de la dreapta,de la stanga,de la cine-o fi.sunt aceleasi vrajeli intr-un final. daca nu s-ar face atata caz poate lucrurile chiar s-ar linisti.dar cred ca nu se vrea asta.tre sa dea vina unii pe altii pentru una sau alta,sau ceva de genu.
in privinta discriminarii,hmmm,eu discriminez,normal ca fac general in functie de muzica,de cum ce n-as face-o? e ceva natural.asa cum 'discriminez' o floare de alta. uite,de exemplu,nu-mi plac stiu exact de ce,dar ma dezgusta.lucrurile nu au stat mereu asa, odata imi placeau trandafirii.dar acum sa nu vad florile alea! asa,ideea e ca eu te discriminez pe tine in functie de cine esti,de cum te comporti,de ce spui,de cum gandesti,de ce faci - nu in functie de ce esti,de cum te cheama,de orasul din care provii (alta chestie tampita! si la moda!) etc. te discriminez, practic, in functie de aspectele personalitatii tale. si nu cred ca e nevoie de un mars pentru asta.trebuie doar sa iei omu' asa cum e sa iei intreaga rasa,etinie din care face parte si sa il judeci in funcite de aceasta ( nu ca ar avea cineva cum sa judece in fapt o etnie,o rasa,dar sunt destui care fac asta oricum).

poate ca totusi o sa merg acolo,asa,sa vad ce e... dar nu sa iau parte. mi se pare stupid sa strigi cu o multime de oameni un slogan.oricare ar fi acela.multime+slogan=> creiere spalate dupa parerea mea. uneori mi se pare stupid si sa fac ce face toata lumea la un concert.adica,ce frate,eu am venit aici sa ridic mainile ca zice ala de pe scena sau sa-l ascult cum canta si sa ma desfasor cum imi vine?!

ps: pentru cei din antifa,banuiesc ca stiti deja ca dragutii de nazisti vor veni si ei la mars.