create confusion it sets creativity free everything that is contradictory creates life destroy! destruction is a form of creation act like a kamikaze
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
deci nu se poate. nu trebuie sa se poata. ar fi ingrozitor. eu as fi ingrozitoare. ingrozitor de iresponsabila. ar fi de-a dreptul teribil. nu,nu,nu! sunt in stare de soc. un soc care nu e vizibil, dar e al naibii de prezent si de real. numai de nu ar fi si restul... dar,nu... ar fi prea stupid. probabil ca exagerez eu ca intodeauna. de-ar fi doar paranoia...!
opinie (mai putin) critica
'' aiurea
spun ca te iubesc ca sa obtin chestii ''
SGB 'Sunt. o lichea'
m-a amuzat enorm acest ultim vers. direct, concret... fara menajamente. asa e poezia contemporana: categoric FARA MENAJAMENTE. imi place onestitatea din poezia asta, la fel cum in general urasc restul poeziei contemporane pentru onestitatea ei inutila si brutala, onestitatea vietii de rand si a banalitatilor pe care aceasta le reflecta. vorbesc la modul general. nu pretind a sti atat de mult despre poezia contemporana. nici nu cred ca vreau. sunt alte lucruri mai interesante. plus ca mi se pare o scriitura foarte demoralizatoare. cel putin asta-i impactul pe care il are asupra mea. iar eu numai de chestii demoralizatoare nu duc lipsa!
poezia contemporana ma duce cu gandul la tramvai.
spun ca te iubesc ca sa obtin chestii ''
SGB 'Sunt. o lichea'
m-a amuzat enorm acest ultim vers. direct, concret... fara menajamente. asa e poezia contemporana: categoric FARA MENAJAMENTE. imi place onestitatea din poezia asta, la fel cum in general urasc restul poeziei contemporane pentru onestitatea ei inutila si brutala, onestitatea vietii de rand si a banalitatilor pe care aceasta le reflecta. vorbesc la modul general. nu pretind a sti atat de mult despre poezia contemporana. nici nu cred ca vreau. sunt alte lucruri mai interesante. plus ca mi se pare o scriitura foarte demoralizatoare. cel putin asta-i impactul pe care il are asupra mea. iar eu numai de chestii demoralizatoare nu duc lipsa!
poezia contemporana ma duce cu gandul la tramvai.
de pe front,
vorbe de sf duh
Thursday, May 24, 2007
nu chiar
frumoasa,dar scurta furtuna . un momenet poetic... la sfarsit, scot frumos capul pe fereastra ca sa admir cerul acompaniata fiind de un pahar de bun,rosu, cer albastru,aer cat de cat proaspat multumita stat asa admirand albastrul cerului pana s-a terminat vinul.adica la sfarsit,imi venea pur si simplu sa arunc paharul pe geam. a fost greu sa ma conving sa nu-l arunc. ma intreb de ce nu aruncam lucrurile odata ce ne-am folosit de ele.
whiskey si lapte. it's tricky. mirosul de lapte il cmufleaza pe cel de whiskey si atunci cand bei ai impresia ca e doar lapte DAR...oricum, e o combinatie interesanta.dulce si tare - lapte si whiskey.
whiskey si lapte. it's tricky. mirosul de lapte il cmufleaza pe cel de whiskey si atunci cand bei ai impresia ca e doar lapte DAR...oricum, e o combinatie interesanta.dulce si tare - lapte si whiskey.
or something...,
Sunday, May 13, 2007
label THIS !
so you think you can tell?
ma enerveaza oamenii care ma sunt multi.dar sunt gasesc ei sa imi impuna standarde.
complimentele - le urasc.niciodata nu poti fi sigur daca sunt pe bune sau daca au cumva un subinteles.
dar oamenii care ma subapreciaza sunt chiar amuzanti. de ce? pentru ca intotdeauna fac greseala de a ma include in vreuna din categoriile lor stupide. se gasesc ei sa fac profile psihologice si sa puna etichete.ceea ce e trist si le dovedeste gandirea limitata.
2.think outside your stupid box
3.don't fuckin put labels... makes you look superficial or fashion addict
4.don't, i repeat DON'T! be a feminist...they tend to become chauvinist pigs
5.get a life
complimentele - le urasc.niciodata nu poti fi sigur daca sunt pe bune sau daca au cumva un subinteles.
dar oamenii care ma subapreciaza sunt chiar amuzanti. de ce? pentru ca intotdeauna fac greseala de a ma include in vreuna din categoriile lor stupide. se gasesc ei sa fac profile psihologice si sa puna etichete.ceea ce e trist si le dovedeste gandirea limitata.
2.think outside your stupid box
3.don't fuckin put labels... makes you look superficial or fashion addict
4.don't, i repeat DON'T! be a feminist...they tend to become chauvinist pigs
5.get a life
Sunday, May 06, 2007
global warming INDEED!
fac un proiect despre incalzirea globla. si cautam imagini de impact. si am gasit asta... numai ca s-ar putea sa fie prea de impact...


de pe front,
or something...,
something else

what can we do?
by charles bukowski
at their best, there is gentleness in Humanity.
some understanding and, at times, acts of
but all in all it is a mass, a glob that doesn't
have too much.
it is like a large animal deep in sleep and
almost nothing can awaken it.
when activated it's best at brutality,
selfishness, unjust judgments, murder.
what can we do with it, this Humanity?
avoid the thing as much as possible.
treat it as you would anything poisonous, vicious
and mindless.
but be careful. it has enacted laws to protect
itself from you.
it can kill you without cause.
and to escape it you must be subtle.
few escape.
it's up to you to figure a plan.
I have met nobody who has escaped.
I have met some of the great and
famous but they have not escaped
for they are only great and famous within
I have not escaped
but I have not failed in trying again and
before my death I hope to obtain mylife.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
a day in the park
except for the fact that the whole world is bloody falling apart because it's to fucking stupid and retarded not to, oh things are pretty fine - when you have friends around...
i spent the whole day in the park, somehow against my will cuz i had different plans but in the end i guess it waz better this way. 9 hours in the the heat, in the grass, alone with some books and then together with the fiends. drinking beer, talking about strange movies, music,genetics and bugs and all kinds of things. yeah, it waz a good day... a good day for freedom... for friendship...for us...for the fiends...but somehow,i know it's strange because i had fun, not for me...
the reason why we were in that specific park is that a concert waz suppose to take place there. in the end Iulia and the guys left but Andreea and me went to see the punks, as in Zob. we came just before their performance. lots of losers there - as a matter of fact MAINLY losers, manelisti and housers, behaving like animals freshly released from their cages in the mating season. a really sad view. their looks were full of perversity and stupidity, nothing more - really,really sad to see so many of them.
Zob waz lot of fun, the sound waz bad but the band waz good. Vlase started with trowing some beer onto the public and we were in the second row. i didn't know it waz him who did it and said : 'who iz the idiot who trew with beer?' Andreea said 'Vlad' and i waz like 'what Vlad? ow,ow! that Vlad - now i'm honoured i guess...'
anyway, we had to fight to get to see the band because there were lots of idiots getting in front of us. there waz this one dude who keep climbing the fence that separated the public from the scene and he was behaving like a fucking monkey, moving up and down,up and down. i told him to stop a couple of times, i pulled his pants to take him off the fence and in the end i put some gum on his back - i had to revenge. Andreea said she saw some pills in his mouth - he waz probably stoned. then there was another guy who took my place in the first row and i hit him and he backed off. a wize choice i might say...
but the best thing waz that in the end, after the last song, 'telenovele',Vlad trew his pick. it landed in the area where the fence waz. ma mate told me to go and get it. i said 'yeah, but the guards and shit' and then i just gave her my things, climbed the fence ( i waz wearing a skirt) took the orange pick and got on the other side again. it is our only success these days and we take great pride in it. in fact, i think it's a sign that i should take up guitar again. yeah, might just be. who knowz...
i spent the whole day in the park, somehow against my will cuz i had different plans but in the end i guess it waz better this way. 9 hours in the the heat, in the grass, alone with some books and then together with the fiends. drinking beer, talking about strange movies, music,genetics and bugs and all kinds of things. yeah, it waz a good day... a good day for freedom... for friendship...for us...for the fiends...but somehow,i know it's strange because i had fun, not for me...
the reason why we were in that specific park is that a concert waz suppose to take place there. in the end Iulia and the guys left but Andreea and me went to see the punks, as in Zob. we came just before their performance. lots of losers there - as a matter of fact MAINLY losers, manelisti and housers, behaving like animals freshly released from their cages in the mating season. a really sad view. their looks were full of perversity and stupidity, nothing more - really,really sad to see so many of them.
Zob waz lot of fun, the sound waz bad but the band waz good. Vlase started with trowing some beer onto the public and we were in the second row. i didn't know it waz him who did it and said : 'who iz the idiot who trew with beer?' Andreea said 'Vlad' and i waz like 'what Vlad? ow,ow! that Vlad - now i'm honoured i guess...'
anyway, we had to fight to get to see the band because there were lots of idiots getting in front of us. there waz this one dude who keep climbing the fence that separated the public from the scene and he was behaving like a fucking monkey, moving up and down,up and down. i told him to stop a couple of times, i pulled his pants to take him off the fence and in the end i put some gum on his back - i had to revenge. Andreea said she saw some pills in his mouth - he waz probably stoned. then there was another guy who took my place in the first row and i hit him and he backed off. a wize choice i might say...
but the best thing waz that in the end, after the last song, 'telenovele',Vlad trew his pick. it landed in the area where the fence waz. ma mate told me to go and get it. i said 'yeah, but the guards and shit' and then i just gave her my things, climbed the fence ( i waz wearing a skirt) took the orange pick and got on the other side again. it is our only success these days and we take great pride in it. in fact, i think it's a sign that i should take up guitar again. yeah, might just be. who knowz...
Friday, May 04, 2007
astazi un prieten mi-a recomandat o trupa. prietenul se numeste Andrei, trupa Anathema. auzisem demult de ei, dar nu am fost curioasa sa-i si ascult, ar el mi-a zis ca sunt genul meu* si dupa ce mi-a facut si o mica descriere a stilului prin comparatii cu My Dying Bride, Pink Floyd si Radiohead am zis ca trebuie sa-i ascult. i-am ascultat si chiar imi place muzica lor si o recomand.
*si eu care credeam ca sunt hard to read!
*si eu care credeam ca sunt hard to read!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
sincer nu m-am gandit niciodata cum ar fi sa fii o propozitie. poate ca m-am gandit ce propozitie as fi dar nu m-am gandit CUM AR FI. ceea ce intr-un fel e o dovada de mediocritate, de superficialitate. in acest sens Fiendul proaspat intors din Grecia ma depaseste. e clar ca are inclinatii spre filosofie... spre o filosofie de factura orientala unde lucrurile spuse isi pierd din materialitate, pierd in fata realitatii deoarece ele sunt doar abstractizari, idealizari si parti din realitate, n u sunt complete. ea a visat ca era o propozitie. dar nu a visat ce propozitie. apoi propozitia a devenit un singur cuvant. deci, esenta.......deci aberez, dar e un subiect frumos.
daca as fi o propozitie cred ca as fi propozitia : 'am uitat'... nu gasesc alta mai potrivita desi... parca si' whatever it is, i'm against it' mi s-ar potrivi, numai ca e deja fraza.
daca as fi o propozitie cred ca as fi propozitia : 'am uitat'... nu gasesc alta mai potrivita desi... parca si' whatever it is, i'm against it' mi s-ar potrivi, numai ca e deja fraza.
or something...,
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