except for the fact that the whole world is bloody falling apart because it's to fucking stupid and retarded not to, oh things are pretty fine - when you have friends around...
i spent the whole day in the park, somehow against my will cuz i had different plans but in the end i guess it waz better this way. 9 hours in the green.in the heat, in the grass, alone with some books and then together with the fiends. drinking beer, talking about strange movies, music,genetics and bugs and all kinds of things. yeah, it waz a good day... a good day for freedom... for friendship...for us...for the fiends...but somehow,i know it's strange because i had fun, not for me...
the reason why we were in that specific park is that a concert waz suppose to take place there. in the end Iulia and the guys left but Andreea and me went to see the punks, as in Zob. we came just before their performance. lots of losers there - as a matter of fact MAINLY losers, manelisti and housers, behaving like animals freshly released from their cages in the mating season. a really sad view. their looks were full of perversity and stupidity, nothing more - really,really sad to see so many of them.
Zob waz lot of fun, the sound waz bad but the band waz good. Vlase started with trowing some beer onto the public and we were in the second row. i didn't know it waz him who did it and said : 'who iz the idiot who trew with beer?' Andreea said 'Vlad' and i waz like 'what Vlad? ow,ow! that Vlad - now i'm honoured i guess...'
anyway, we had to fight to get to see the band because there were lots of idiots getting in front of us. there waz this one dude who keep climbing the fence that separated the public from the scene and he was behaving like a fucking monkey, moving up and down,up and down. i told him to stop a couple of times, i pulled his pants to take him off the fence and in the end i put some gum on his back - i had to revenge. Andreea said she saw some pills in his mouth - he waz probably stoned. then there was another guy who took my place in the first row and i hit him and he backed off. a wize choice i might say...
but the best thing waz that in the end, after the last song, 'telenovele',Vlad trew his pick. it landed in the area where the fence waz. ma mate told me to go and get it. i said 'yeah, but the guards and shit' and then i just gave her my things, climbed the fence ( i waz wearing a skirt) took the orange pick and got on the other side again. it is our only success these days and we take great pride in it. in fact, i think it's a sign that i should take up guitar again. yeah, might just be. who knowz...
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