Noi de Evgheni Zamiatin
cartea a fost terminata in 1920. este o distopie ce prezinta un viitor in care rasa umana duce o existenta ce se conduce dupa legi matematice. oamenii nu mai au nume ci numere. societatea aceasta perfecta in care toti merg,respira,mesteca in aceeasi cadenta mecanica se numeste Statul Unic iar conducatorul - Binefacatorul, 'numar intre numere'. hrana oamenilor este pe baza de petrol,locuintele sunt transparente,din sticla,toti poarta unife si au capetele rase.lumea lor perfecta este protejata de natura prin zidul verde.
D-503 este eroul cartii si naratorul ei. el este constructorul integralului - nava al carei scop este implementarea fericirii Statului Unic in intreg universul.D-503,matematicianul perfect supus sistemului o intalneste pe rebela I-330 care il cucereste,'il imbolnaveste' si il face sa dezvolte 'un suflet'.D-503 pare sa fie asemeni personajului feminin din '1984': 'un rebel doar de la brau in jos'.
stilul lui Evgheni Zamiatin este original si atragator: figuri de stil matematice si emotii ale naratorului transpuse prin formule si necunoscute. desi se vrea o relatare searbada,calculata si perfect rationala,caracteristica unui membru al Statului Unic, 'Noi' este un text de o poezie aparte,matematica,insolita.
''fiecare ecuatie,fiecare formula din lumea de la suprafata are o curba sau un corp corespondent.dar pentru formulele irationale, pentru √-1, nu cunoastem nici un corp corespondent,nu le-am vazut niciodata...dar tocmai aici e toata groaza,in faptul ca aceste corpuri invizibile exista,trebuie,trebuie in mod inevitabil sa existe: in matematica, umbrele lor fantastice,intepatoare - ale formulelor irationale - trec prin fata noastra ca pe un ecran. si nici matematica nici moartea nu fac niciodata greseli. asa ca, daca nu putem vedea aceste corpuri in lumea noastra, inseamna ca trebuie sa fie,inevitabil trebuie sa existe o lume vasta, o lume intreaga acolo - dincolo de suprafata. [...] matematica mea - pana acum singura insula ferma si solida din intreaga mea lume dislocatasi-a rupt si ea ancorele,pluteste si ea, in vartej. asta inseamna ca acest 'suflet' irational este la fel de real precum cizmele mele,desi in acest moment nu le vad? (sunt dupa usa aceea cu oglinda a dulapului) si daca cizmele nu sunt o boala, atunci de ce 'sufletul' este? ''
I-330 despre fericirea absoluta, suta la suta a Statului Unic:
'' - dar nu crezi ca o societate ajunsa la acest punct este tocmai o societate organizata din pietre? iar fericirea...ei bine,pana la urma,dorintele ne chinuie,nu-i asa?si,evident,fericirea este acolo unde nu mai exista dorinte,nici una... ce greseala,ce prejudecata absurda a fost sa fie marcata fericirea intotdeauna cu semnul +. fericirea absoluta,bineinteles,trebuie sa poarte semnul minus - minusul divin.
(D-503) - minusul divin? minus 273◦
- intocmai - minus 273◦. cam frig, dar oare nu chiar asta in sine ne demonstreaza ca am atins culmea?''
frumos paradox acesta dintre fericire si libertate. nu?
create confusion it sets creativity free everything that is contradictory creates life destroy! destruction is a form of creation act like a kamikaze
Friday, April 18, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Buddha collapsed out of shame

what's a notebook to you? what does school mean to you? not much probably, you'd say you could live without it.but not today dear. not in the 21th century. unless you wanna take care of some goat or something similar.
for me a notebook is irrelevant,for you as well. but not for Bakat (or whatever that was) a little girl from Bamian a region in Afghanistan. she wants to go to school and learn stories. yeah,you lough at that.say 'stories',just for that?!well she was like 6, at her age you probably thought about cold fusion already,didn't ya,smart ass!

deal is,that this film really shook me. there's so many things we take for granted,things that we don't say we need because we always had them,but some people fuckin dream about those mundane things. for that little girl school was live something from a fairy tale. the film shows us a day in her life in which she tries to buy a notebook and a pen and get to's a real adventure in that land of caves,cliffs,canion and aride lands. the film becomes really dramatic when the girl is cought in the war-game of some boys. the play the talibans and accuse the girl of being a sinner because she isn't supposed to be going to school.they really scare her,some start digging her a grave and the rest prepare to stone her to death. i almost got sick thinking that the stoning will actually happen.children stonning children. but they saw 'american' planes and went hiding in a cave nearby. there some other 3 girls kept in there for different 'sins'.

deal is,that this film really shook me. there's so many things we take for granted,things that we don't say we need because we always had them,but some people fuckin dream about those mundane things. for that little girl school was live something from a fairy tale. the film shows us a day in her life in which she tries to buy a notebook and a pen and get to's a real adventure in that land of caves,cliffs,canion and aride lands. the film becomes really dramatic when the girl is cought in the war-game of some boys. the play the talibans and accuse the girl of being a sinner because she isn't supposed to be going to school.they really scare her,some start digging her a grave and the rest prepare to stone her to death. i almost got sick thinking that the stoning will actually happen.children stonning children. but they saw 'american' planes and went hiding in a cave nearby. there some other 3 girls kept in there for different 'sins'.
anyways Bakat escapes and all but in the end she is caught again by those they are Americans and accuse her and her firend Abbas of being terrorists. again the war game that the litlle girl hates. the boys changing sides amazed me because they played it so genuineley,at first i thought the wore indoctrinated with that hate.but for them it was just a game... the war game they seem to like to much,the hate game... anyway,in the end the 'americans' shoot Abbas and then run after Bakat. Abbas comes running after her too and tells her to 'die' if she wants to be free. the irony,the irony! of course i interpreted this as a metaphore that meant that some poeple aren't free until their death...
you probably wonder what's Buddha got to do with Afghanistan, well in Bamian there were these Anciant statues of the Buddha,real grand, carved in the tall cliffs that the Talibans destroyed not so many years ago.
it's funny to me that iranians depicted with such realism this cruel reality that is quite common to so many muslim countries. and at the same time it's a fuckin shame that the fuckin capitalist societies don't collapse out of shame too! just take a look at your notebooks. if they depict some glittery barbie,some god-knows what cul shit that makes it 'more that a notebook' than you should fuckin be ashamed of yourself!i know i am.
ps: how many eggs did you pay for your notebooks?
de pe front,
or something...,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
primavara rocks
vremea asta e super.poate mai cald decat ar trebui pentru perioada asta dar,hey! eu ma simt in elementul meu acum.
ieri am salvat o rama care nush cum naiba aterizase in mijlocul drumului si pe care am dus-o frumos la iarba verde. fiend Iulia zicea ca poate vroia ea sa fie acolo.asta daca vroia sa se sinucida,i-am raspuns eu. si nu prea vad eu rame cu tendinte explicatie i-am zis fiendului ca poate a scapat-o o pasare din cioc/ghiare.
azi am fost cu sis la promenada si am introdus-o in universul evident i-a placut (cu toate ca ea e departe de genul omului care merge in jack). si am imbratisat un copac.una din cele mai placute senzatii.copaceii sunt ah,sunt divini! si simt cum sunt o viata pura si...hmmm,aberez.imi place sa imbratisez copaci.cred ca e suficient daca zic sfatuiesc sa incercati si voi!
ieri am salvat o rama care nush cum naiba aterizase in mijlocul drumului si pe care am dus-o frumos la iarba verde. fiend Iulia zicea ca poate vroia ea sa fie acolo.asta daca vroia sa se sinucida,i-am raspuns eu. si nu prea vad eu rame cu tendinte explicatie i-am zis fiendului ca poate a scapat-o o pasare din cioc/ghiare.
azi am fost cu sis la promenada si am introdus-o in universul evident i-a placut (cu toate ca ea e departe de genul omului care merge in jack). si am imbratisat un copac.una din cele mai placute senzatii.copaceii sunt ah,sunt divini! si simt cum sunt o viata pura si...hmmm,aberez.imi place sa imbratisez copaci.cred ca e suficient daca zic sfatuiesc sa incercati si voi!
or something...,
so me,
vorbe de sf duh,
wishful sinful
Sunday, April 06, 2008
sunt mai mult decat un barbat, sunt mai mult decat un peste. caut tanara care sa fie mai mult decat o femeie si,bineinteles, mai mult decat o pestoaica. pentru detalii contactati-ma la wow - something
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
everything went -licious
in other words, long live Satanlicious,the one and only! rah!
de pe front,
or something...,
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