Thursday, June 18, 2009


in ultima vreme fiecare ultim concert pe care il vad pare a fi cel mai tare din totdeauna.
GOGOL BORDELLO au fost exceptionali aseara! pot sa jur ca prin venele lui eugene circula si altceva in afara de sange (probabil foc) ... toata lumea era in extaz in amfiteatrul acela care a fost arhiplin,toata lumea aplauda si striga cu foc. si cei din taraf de haidoucs au fost tari iar la sfarsit gogol bordello i-au chemat sa cante impreuna. spiritul acestor muzicieni...ei bine, e mishto!

de remarcat ca au inceput in forta cu ultimate melodia mea preferata de la ei! (nu,nu e start wearing purple, ultimate ma reprezinta mai bine) iata si versurile (this shit is better than any life philosophy!):

If we are here not to do
What you and I wanna do
And go forever crazy with it
Why the hell are we even here?

There was never any good old days
They are today, they are tomorrow
It's a stupid thing we say
Cursing tomorrow with sorrow

When we stand here in a row
Looking like a bunch of heroes
I know that-a deep inside
Nothing more but bunch of zeros

Skolko utetchki tepla
Vot takaja vot subda
Nam segodnja suzdena
A bti mezget chto kogda da-j povezet!


Steppin' on the trail of Ultimate
I would never choose to die
So give me the rest of all the secrets
Give me new culture of life


ps:as fi recunoscatoare daca mi-ar traduce cineva trebile de le zice Eugene in slava:D dau o bere:>
pps: au zis ca se vor intoarce cat pot de repede. sa speram ca va fi intr-un loc udne se va putea dansa! ADICA UNUL FARA SCAUNE! :d

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