azi pornim la drum. mergem la Buzau. eu si Andreea. concertul Tiarra si personalul 5 mii nu-stiu-cat ne aduc din nou acolo. bineinteles inainte de concert vom poposi la 9 km de oras, in satul bunicilor mei. duminica dimineata vom fi inapoi. ce e foarte frumos in aceasta scurta plecare?
1. este o plecare
2. a fost o decizie de moment.un impuls. [desi stiam de concertul asta de ceva timp si ne gandeam sa mergem, abia azi, dupa doar 4 ore de scoala (si alea facute mai mult la misto), ne-am sunat parintii si le-am zis 'ba,noi plecam la Buzau' - mai mult sau mai putin cu cuvintele astea.]
3. we're 2 fiends on the roads again :D
4. mergem la primul nostru concert Tiarra
m-am exprimat cam ca dracu', pe alocuri cam patetic sau pur si simplu intr-un mod deloc interesant, dar am o scuza, ma grabesc sa prind trenul. hai pa!
create confusion it sets creativity free everything that is contradictory creates life destroy! destruction is a form of creation act like a kamikaze
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
rolling stoned
deci Rolling Stones vin in Romania, mica si frumoasa noastra tara care din varii motive este tot mai bogata in concerte sustinute de nume mari din afara. cei de la Vodafone sunt cumva sponsorii acestui eveniment si si-au rezervat dreptul de a vinde bilete in perioada 28-1 aprilie numai clientilor lor printr-un simplu sms la nush ce numar. foarte bine pana aici. dar site-ul ala blestemat ( ) nu poate fi accesat! blesteme! am incercat aseara,m-am enervat dar am zis ca seara serverul este ocupat or something si mi-am zis ca dimineata sigur o sa mearga. no freakin way! The webpage cannot be found and cannot be found and cannot be found over and over again! how the fuck can that be!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!??!?!!?
legea nu e lege
tot timpul am fost impotriva moralei dar am incercat sa ma comport in concordanta cu etica si am apreciat intotdeauna aceasta scurt uram morala si ceea ce reprezinta ea dar apreciam etica si o consideram un ideal.insa nu puteam sa nu fac confuzie intre acestea doua - ''sunt asemanatoare'' imi ziceam eu. hehe,de fapt nu-s mai deloc acelasi lucru !
etica=criterii de viata, principii
morala=set de reguli abstracte care inlocuiesc vointa.
deci inlocuiesc vointa, deci bad,bad,bad. sau malo,malo,malo. sau que bruto! deci morala e chestia aia care merge mana in mana cu religia si responsabilitatea ta ca cetatean. este doar o alta corupere a spiritului uman care foloseste pretextul ca este pentru binele general sau bla-bla-bla.
my advice: fuck morals! don't be moral! be ethical!
etica=criterii de viata, principii
morala=set de reguli abstracte care inlocuiesc vointa.
deci inlocuiesc vointa, deci bad,bad,bad. sau malo,malo,malo. sau que bruto! deci morala e chestia aia care merge mana in mana cu religia si responsabilitatea ta ca cetatean. este doar o alta corupere a spiritului uman care foloseste pretextul ca este pentru binele general sau bla-bla-bla.
my advice: fuck morals! don't be moral! be ethical!
vorbe de sf duh
Friday, March 23, 2007
Straight as an arrow
Defect defect
Not straight,not so straight
Reject reject
Towards anti-social
Solo solo
Standing on the stairs
Cold, cold morning
Ghostly image of fear
Mayday mayday
Gonna leave this region
They'll take me with them
Dimension seven
Straight as an arrow
Defect defect
Not straight, not so straight
Reject reject
Towards anti-social
So dumb, so dumb
Dimension seven (x7)
[er,yeah me likes it a lot. Nirvana by good song this is]
Defect defect
Not straight,not so straight
Reject reject
Towards anti-social
Solo solo
Standing on the stairs
Cold, cold morning
Ghostly image of fear
Mayday mayday
Gonna leave this region
They'll take me with them
Dimension seven
Straight as an arrow
Defect defect
Not straight, not so straight
Reject reject
Towards anti-social
So dumb, so dumb
Dimension seven (x7)
[er,yeah me likes it a lot. Nirvana by good song this is]
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i just got over that i think that i would die hole inspired state of mind. now i'm sure that YOU should and must die! no, it's not about the whole world...though... errr,it's about someone 'special'. special my ass. it's abouth a really pathetic human being who's only hobby is making everybody else feel miserable just because this person is a failure and can't find no better answer to this than the others.' i'm a loser,oh,but this is only your fault, you brat!' 'course it is! and yeah i'm to blame for the bombing of hiroshima and for the great plague in whatever year that was! ups,now you know! but,no. i'm not being afected by this doss blind evil creature anymore CUZ i'm o.k., you're fucked!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
from housewives
family dinner. mother, step-father and teenage son at a very fancy table. noises like breaking glasses coming from upstairs. mother tells son to go and see that his sister, 17, will only brake her own things. the boy goes and finds his sister lying in the bathtub after trying to kill herself by using some powders and cutting her veins. she is in a terrible state. he goes back to the table and tries to tell his parents what had just happened. his mother was in the middle of a discussion with the step-dad and tells the son that it is not polite to interrupt peoples discussions. the boy sits back and resumes his dinner. after the mother finishes her discussion she asks about the girl. when the couple hears they are amazed and outraged so they run upstairs. the boy says :' don't rush! she's not trying that hard...'
Friday, March 16, 2007
future past
am citit 1984 cand eram clasa a 9 a -imi spusese un prieten de ea. am citit cartea aia cu sufletul la gura, la fiecare pagina eram tot mai ingrozita iar atmosfera devenea tot mai sumbra. sincer, intr-un fel sau altul noi suntem acel viitor despre care scria George Orwell in 1948. e drept ca mai avem inca pana sa atingem nivelul din roman, dar in mod cert suntem pe drumul cel bun!
''Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or in bed—no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. ''
'' To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone—to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone:
From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink—greetings! '' is it just me or double thinking sounds familiar? like say... political correctness? oh, folks,this is just the beginning,if you ain't seeing it now, you'll feel it in the future!
pentru cei care vor sa citeasca acest roman am pus linkul mai jos. nici mie nu-mi place sa citesc pe calculator pentru ca nimic n use compara cu o carte. cartile sunt sacre. dar e in engleza:D
''Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or in bed—no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. ''
'' To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone—to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone:
From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink—greetings! '' is it just me or double thinking sounds familiar? like say... political correctness? oh, folks,this is just the beginning,if you ain't seeing it now, you'll feel it in the future!
pentru cei care vor sa citeasca acest roman am pus linkul mai jos. nici mie nu-mi place sa citesc pe calculator pentru ca nimic n use compara cu o carte. cartile sunt sacre. dar e in engleza:D
32 reloaded
intr-o zi cu soare din saptamana asta am intalnit in pitorescul tramvai 32 un personaj aparte.
la prima vedere mi-am zis ca-i rocker. avea tot ce-i trebuia ca sa il incadrez in respectiva categorie: bocanci negri, blugi negri, tricou negru (simplu), jacheta neagra, in mana tinea un dosar negru doldora de hartii, iar pe bara troleului avea agatata o haina neagra pe care o luase de la /ducea la curatat. de asemenea si infatisarea sa era destul de tipica pentru un rocker: barba si par valvoi.
pe tip il remarc din prima pentru ca statea chiar vis-a-vis de usa pe care am intrat eu. si el ma vede. deci tipul imi arunca o privire ucigatoare! zic, ' bah, ce te uiti ashea roackare?! intr-un tramvai plin de manelari tocmai la mine te uiti ca la dracu'? ' mirarea mea era cat se poate de intemeiata pentru ca in ziua aceea aveam tricoul cu canibal corpse al iuliei, geaca de piele,unghiile frumos vopsite in negru,ceva dermatograf, pentagrama, si deci, nimeni nu s-ar fi putut indoi ca sunt rockerita. dupa cateva momente mai arunc o privire spre tip, eram convinsa ca mi se paruse. de unde! parca se uita si mai urat. personal, ma simteam jignita si revoltata.
mai arunc o privire asupra hainei pe care tipul o ducea la / aducea de la curatat si imi zic ca e cam lunga...
dupa un timp tipul coboara. intamplator sau nu,in statia unde coborase se afla o mica biserica de cartier. atunci am avut o revelatie, zic eu: NU CREEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!! tipu' nu era roacker; era popa! haina pe care o ducea la curatat era probabil sutana...
***sutana,satana such a thin line between this two words!
la prima vedere mi-am zis ca-i rocker. avea tot ce-i trebuia ca sa il incadrez in respectiva categorie: bocanci negri, blugi negri, tricou negru (simplu), jacheta neagra, in mana tinea un dosar negru doldora de hartii, iar pe bara troleului avea agatata o haina neagra pe care o luase de la /ducea la curatat. de asemenea si infatisarea sa era destul de tipica pentru un rocker: barba si par valvoi.
pe tip il remarc din prima pentru ca statea chiar vis-a-vis de usa pe care am intrat eu. si el ma vede. deci tipul imi arunca o privire ucigatoare! zic, ' bah, ce te uiti ashea roackare?! intr-un tramvai plin de manelari tocmai la mine te uiti ca la dracu'? ' mirarea mea era cat se poate de intemeiata pentru ca in ziua aceea aveam tricoul cu canibal corpse al iuliei, geaca de piele,unghiile frumos vopsite in negru,ceva dermatograf, pentagrama, si deci, nimeni nu s-ar fi putut indoi ca sunt rockerita. dupa cateva momente mai arunc o privire spre tip, eram convinsa ca mi se paruse. de unde! parca se uita si mai urat. personal, ma simteam jignita si revoltata.
mai arunc o privire asupra hainei pe care tipul o ducea la / aducea de la curatat si imi zic ca e cam lunga...
dupa un timp tipul coboara. intamplator sau nu,in statia unde coborase se afla o mica biserica de cartier. atunci am avut o revelatie, zic eu: NU CREEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!! tipu' nu era roacker; era popa! haina pe care o ducea la curatat era probabil sutana...
***sutana,satana such a thin line between this two words!
Monday, March 12, 2007
the return of the Chinese readers
my readers from China are back! yay! it's really curious for me that i have Chinese readers but i really delight in seeing the map showing that there are people in such a distant country who bother and read my blog. so me thanks them and hopes for some comments! ... even if they be in Chinese ;))
Sunday, March 11, 2007
''To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing..."
wasn't that lad Shakespeare a bit of an emo too? but damn,he was right !...
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing..."
wasn't that lad Shakespeare a bit of an emo too? but damn,he was right !...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
good news!
i was eating lunch watching some tv - which is quite rare for me- and i saw something riotous on euronews. the weird thing is the programme was in french! the first bit about the riots was in the 'no comment' section so i was like 'what are this people fighting for?' i was watching with full admiration so i answered myself: 'it don't matter, as long there's people still fightin'! ' yeah, it was that beautiful kind of riot: the young people fighting for something they believe and against something they don't want for their country, against something that is not good for our planet as a whole or mankind whatsoever. after the no comment news there came some which had explanations. so it's about bush. he went touring throughout 5 south american countries but didn't get too lucky, the people don't like him there. they don't like him anywhere!

riots took place in south american coutries. president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez was leading the protest in Buenos Aires supported by thousands of people.
'Bush is a torturer, a violator of human rights and a murderer, who does not respect United Nations resolutions, international treaties or the sovereignty of peoples, as in the case of Iraq," said Adolfo PĂ©rez Esquivel, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who is one of the protest organizers. "He is not welcome in Argentina, and he should be repudiated." or in shorter sentence ' gringo go home!' like Chavez put it.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
in ora de literatura universala:
eu: - Fiend, tie ti-ar place de un monstru sensibil?
fiend (se gandeste dand din cap): - nu cred. tie?
Eu: - uhm... nici mie.
eu: - Fiend, tie ti-ar place de un monstru sensibil?
fiend (se gandeste dand din cap): - nu cred. tie?
Eu: - uhm... nici mie.
Monday, March 05, 2007
versuri. sunt versuri care te obsedeaza, care te bantuie. nu acele versuri ale trupelor tale preferate ci de versurile care se potrivesc cu circumstantele dintr-un anumit moment al vietii tale. acele versuri care parca au fost scrise pentru tine, despre tine. urmatoarele sunt versurile pe care le tot fredonez eu cu daruire si nepricepere in perioada asta.
I don't ever wanna be
Don't wanna be just like you
Well I don't mind, if you don't mind 'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
I suppose I could just walk away
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good
The teenage queen, the loaded gun The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
Show me the way
To the next whiskey bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask
For if we don't find
The next whiskey bar
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die
I have already paid for all my future sins
I don't ever wanna be
Don't wanna be just like you
Well I don't mind, if you don't mind 'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
I suppose I could just walk away
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good
The teenage queen, the loaded gun The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
Show me the way
To the next whiskey bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask
For if we don't find
The next whiskey bar
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die
I have already paid for all my future sins
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