Monday, July 30, 2007

punk punk

cand m-am intors ieri de la mare tot drumul m-am simtit mai mult decat un punk. m-am simtit ca un punk punk, adica punk in ambele sensuri ale cuvantului. i needed a shower, was full sand, phoneless, i lost or got my sid vicious badge stolen again and was in deep need of sleep. well,train is like hell these days but no more than hoem is. ... 'home' cica inseamna the place in which one's domestic affections are centered sau any place of residence or refuge. hehe, home is no refuge for me - i need to get refuge from 'home'. but fuck that! i'm really considering the homeless status right now cuz i don't think it can get any worse. death is not such a tragic perspective after all. we are all gonna die sooner or later. and sooner is better cuz it means you're younger than later and thus you're not a stinkin old person. old people suck, one way or the other. they lack principles that's for sure. the older you get the more you lose your principles and honesty and dignity - cuz where's the self-respect when you're a sick bastard - sick body, sick mind?! there's none. so die young, no regrets no complains about your health and shit. but before you die don't forget to live to the full.

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