create confusion it sets creativity free everything that is contradictory creates life destroy! destruction is a form of creation act like a kamikaze
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
from time to time i'm all bursts of anger ... maybe you don't see it, but it's there. in my eyes. it so bloody is. the rest of time i'm normal. just bursts of sheer boredom and sometimes utter dumbness. and then the unability of not being capable of saying what i ought to say, oh, in the name of Huck O'Maley! i am not worthy. never was. never will be. i was born bad, naturally born bad ...
question(not that i expect answers but just like that) :
do all the people who were born bad end up bad?
Monday, January 29, 2007
no reason
'E nevoie de mult mai mult ca să fii un ateu credibil'' adica ateii trebuie sa fie credibili?! si de ce ma rog? crestinii care sunt peste tot nu sunt nici ei prea credibili!
eu impart crestinii in urmatoarele categorii:
- deci sunt poserii(astia sunt peste tot, pentru ca deh, traim intr-o lume de suprafata,invelisul e they just fake it)
- fanaticii cei care urmeaza dictonul lui d'Aquino (parca el a zis asta) credo quia absurdum si care sunt extrem de intoleranti
- inocentii adica cei care pur si simplu fac ceea ce au fost invatati.
- si mai exista o categorie cei care cred si incearca sa se comporte ca atare. acestia au tot respectul meu. sunt rari.
''Musulmanii visează la semilună, evreii, la sfeşnicul cu şapte braţe, ateii la portretul lui Lenin.''
hmmm, din nou ateismul confundat cu comunismul. hmmm, dar de ce nu confunda nimeni crestinismul german cu nazismul? pentru ca o astfel de conexiune nu este logica. DAR nici prima! ateismul este anterior comunismului si anterior religiei. chiar ma surprinde faptul ca un om de cultura poate face o astfel de afirmatie! eu nu simt nicio atractie pentru portretul lui Lenin si nici nu stiu prea multe despre respectivul tip, daca ar fi sa visez la ceva probabil ca as visa la Teoria Marii Unificari (din cuantica). :p
de ce nu accepta Plesu ca un tanar nu poate fi liber-cugetator decat ca situatie extraordinara? pentru ca acestia nu au suficienta experienta de viata si nici destule carti citite? hmmm, deci ca sa te poti numi ateu trebuie sa fii super-citit si batran.insa ca sa fii crestin nu trebuie nimic. : eu nu sunt nici super-citita si nici chiar atat de batrana la cei 18 ani ai mei, dar declar sus si tare ca sunt atee. asta am fost si asta voi fi! nu vad de ce trebuie sa demonstrez asta. credinciosii nu trebuie sa demonstreze niciodata nimic; da' te duci la biserica/ moschee/templu, dar tu chiar crezi in ceea ce ti se spune acolo? simti? da? DA? si atunci de ce nu urmati fratilor prevederile acelea din cartile vostre sfine, cele care vorbesc despre bunavointa, pace, bunatate and all that shit? pe unii ii 'inteleg' caci ei sunt ocupatii sa la urmeze pe cele care propavaduiesc 'razboaiele sfinte', iar asta ocupa timp si resurse. dar restul?
e greu sa fii ateu. pentru ca sa fii ateu trebuie sa scapii de tot ceea ce ai fost invatat inca de la inceputul vietii, trebuie sa te detasezi de toate limitarile si superstitiile, de teama de ceea ce reprezina Dumnezeu. trebuie sa-ti cureti mintea de temerile irationale. sa fii credincios este simplu , crede si nu cerceta et ca suffit, ce atata curiozitate!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
is this the world i created?
PS. desi sunt un spirit idealist, ca filosofie sunt adepta materialismului (up until now), deci all the above is kind of crap (no, i'm not that crazy/drunk!), but it did happen and you should try it too, it's funny to imagine that you're the Kreator of everything and that you're the only one who's real, it's a totaly different point of view. a more aware one.
un glont, doua gloante...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
into emo shit
simt linistea ta

'pe tine acolo te vad, esti atat de departe.'
des, sa zicem. mult...? uneori mai mult decat ar trebui. dar de fiecare data la timp. dar tu?
Monday, January 22, 2007
maybe tomorrow
Palo Alto
In a city of the future
It is difficult to concentrate
Meet the boss, meet the wife
Everybody's happy Everyone is made for life
In a city of the future
It is difficult to find a space
I'm too busy to see you
You're too busy to wait
But I'm okay, how are you?
Thanks for asking, thanks for asking
But I'm okay, how are you?
I hope you're okay too
Everyone one of those days
When the sky's California blue
With a beautiful bombshell
I throw myself into my work
I'm too lazy, I've been kidding myself for so long
I'm okay, how are you?
Thanks for asking, thanks for asking
But I'm okay, how are you?
I hope you're okay too
Friday, January 19, 2007
this is the question...
No; I am going to exist. Dammit! I am going to exist.
To ex-ist...
To ex-ist...
Give me something to drink, for I am not thirsty!
now, why is it that life, for the most of us, fits the lyrics above? some are too fuckin sober. i guess i'm one of them. why can't i be an ignorant? why can't i be somehow, in some sort of way, different from what i already am? why can't i like just 'be happy', smile and shit? hmmm, cause i just can't be what they ask of me... can't be what i ask from me... damn it! i am - but somehow i am not. or i am not i. me is not me. i'm not being myself. maybe i'm just selfless. or maybe i just need a drink.
check this link for more of pessoa's stuff
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
18 in cap

Sunday, January 14, 2007
and this is like the song of the moment... fiendsi jtiu de ce... so i bring to ya some of the lyrics from a song by some lads called The Libertines, 'music when the lights go out':
Well is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind
And to lie to you, rather than hurt you?[...]
Well I'll confess all of my sins
After several large gins
But still I'll hide from you
And hide what's inside from you.[...]
Well I no longer hear the
Music when the lights go out
Love goes cold in the shades of doubt
The strange fate in my mind is all too clear[...]
But I no longer hear the music
Oh no no no no no
And I no longer hear the music
ow and friends, but most of all fiends, thank all ya parents for bringing you into this world!
Friday, January 12, 2007
time is runing out
1.primii care au profetit asta au fost mayasi. un popor cu o civilizatie uluitoar de avansata pentru acei ani (ei construiau piramide in timp ce europenii isi faceau colibe) si care a disparut pur si simplu in neant.
2.mai sunt niste fizicienii (mai rapiti de extraterestri) care fac niste afirmatii de genul acesta 'in prezent ziua are practic 16 ore, si este in scadere; timpul trece din ce in ce mai repede ca urmare a inversarii polilor magnetici si lumea noastra va colapsa catre o alta diemensiune ... o dimensiune a iubirii pentru cei care au fost drepti pentru ceilalti who cares?!' conform calculelor lor, ziua va ajunge la incredibila durata 0 in 2012. ce coincidenta! tragic! ultimul meu 'profet' al apocalipsei am avut (NE!!!)norocul sa-l intalnesc in 21. acesta era un profet adevarat si totodata un profet al adevarului! era inarmat cu o cruce de lemn . el predica sfarsitul lumii cu o voce tunatoare. tipul a zis o chestie foarte profunda: 'cat traiti ganditi-va la moarte'.yep. that's the spirit! cat traiti ganditi-va la moarte, ca dupa ce-oti muri o sa se gandeasca Moartea la viata vostra. Da frate, spiritualitatea crestina... so deep... scopul vietii: contemplarea mortii! rah!
4. exista si un e cel mai surprinzator. azi mi-am luat si eu discografia Incubus. dau de melodia 'Acertain shade of green' zic 'niiiiiice title' and then i hear this: Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.? What are you waiting for, A certain shade of green? and i'm like...
ja,something is definetly wrong with the world. they're waiting for it for like more than 2000 years, aren't they bored with it?!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
mi-e clar: e in zadar.
totul e inutil, futil
eu sunt un suflet pe veci pierdut
inecat in oceanul incoerentei si al incertitudinii
ma dezic de mine constant si incerc sa ma uit
nu pot sa ma dezlipesc de stagnare.
si mor
zilnic mor
cand,cu fiecare minut, ma irosesc, ma plictisesc
It's the emptiness that follows you down
It's the ache inside when it all burns out
It's poisonous it muscles it aches
It's everything you had when it breaks
It's the emptiness that's all you have left
Too terrified of your frozen breath
It's a bitter mouth it's buttered and knived
It's the awful truth you fight for your life
It might as well it might as well hurt
It might as well it might as well
I went down to rescue you,
I went all the way down
Fill your hungry wretched life,
here they come it's closing time
It's the bitter root it's twisted inside
It's the heart you used to have when it died
It's the emptiness it poisons it lies
It's everything that you'll never find
It might as well it might as well hurt
It might as well it might as well
I went down for the remains,
sort through all your blurs and stains
Take your rapture blister burns,
stand in line it's not your turn
All dressed in red, always the bride
Off with her head, all dressed in white
Off with her head
I went down to rescue you,
I went all the way down
I went down for the remains,
sort through all your blurs and stains
I will follow you, anytime anywhere
I will come for you, just say you aren't there
Monday, January 01, 2007
dies irae
dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla.
judex ergo cum sadebit,,
quidquid latent, adparebit,
nil inultum remanebit.
quid sum miser tunc dicturus?
quem patronum regaturus,
cum vix justus sit securus?
youth of the nation
nu vreau sa fiu majora...oricum in 16 zile am timp sa nu mai ajung acolo, there are various ways not to turn 18...
m-am trezit azi,nimic deosebit, m-am privit in oglinda, in afara de gat totul arata ca in alte dati. expresivitatea unui gat.da,gatul meu spune mai multe lucruri despre mine decat as putea eu spune in cuvinte.un tatuaj in forma de liliac, o muscatura de varcolac.
mainile insa sunt cele mai expresive si mai sincere,nu poti sa minti cu mainile,ele te tradeaza intotdeauna. sunt oarecum fascinata de maini. mainile conteza foarte mult in parerea pe care mi-o fac despre o persoana. mainile mele poarta inca urme de marker negru.unghiile sunt dungate rosu-negru.
m-am trezit azi si aveam 17 ani.fugit ireparabile daca o sa ma trezesc si maine o sa am 18 ani si totul o sa fie mai mult sau mai putin la fel caci tempora mutantur deteriorandum? si daca o sa ma trezesc si dupa maine o sa am poate 20 de ani sau poate,in mod ingrozitor,o sa ma trezesc si o sa am 30 si o sa ma ridic brusc din pat sau o sa ma lupt mormaind cu Morpheus pentru ca apoi sa decid ce sa citesc/ascult si ce sa-mi pun in lapte? ma intreb cand n-o sa ma mai trezesc. cum o sa fie oare atunci?
o data m-a trezit soarele puternic si rosu al verii. eram 'in plina iarna'. am injurat atunci lumea asta ubercivilizata si ubertehnologizata care a dat dracu' natura cu anotimpurile ei si m-am dus cu ochii inca inchisi si mormaind ca un urs sa sting lumina.bineinteles nu mi-a mers. keep this in mind: intrerupatorul este doar pentru bec, nu si pentru soare.