ca o caricatura de om, ca un avorton: devenise un 'pacatos', se afla varat in cusca, fusese inchis intre notiuni care de care mai ingrozitoare... aici zacea acum, jalnic, plin de rautate impotriva impotriva lui insusi: plin de ura impotriva instinctelor vitale. plin de suspiciune impotriva a tot ce inca mai era puternic si fericit. pe scurt, un 'crestin'.
biserica a corupt omul, l-a slabit - dar a avut pretentia ca la 'ameliorat' ...
create confusion it sets creativity free everything that is contradictory creates life destroy! destruction is a form of creation act like a kamikaze
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
we're worms.we all are. some for the more, others for the less.
in the morning i watch the worming of the crowd at the grand plaza. i'm part of it myself.for like 15 minutes each school morning i worm like that trying to get free from the crowd as quick as i can. then 15 minutes in the afternoon,on the way back. it's always crowded at such hours. the rush hours.
on the way back i escape the worming into the tram. the things are different in the tram. we're no longer worms, we're sardines. packed like sardines in a crushed tin box. one must admit it is an evolution - sardines are fish, millions of years apart from worms. in the morning is backwards, sardine to worm.
...and i think about wormholes, ah, how they can supply instant transportation to some other space and time, million light years apart.such a luck to find one and travel trough it! no matter where it may lead. this is not my place, my world another would suit just as good if not for the better. plus change is always at least interesting.
anyhow, with a little first-grade math one could add up half an hour of worm life each day,that's at least 2 and a half hours each week respectively an approximation of 100 hours per year of worm life. and i didn't even count the sardine airless, spaceless but oh, so full of smell! hours... and there are many more poor souls who 'enjoy' a longer worm time than i do.
in such situations i wonder about the human. the human next to me and the human in me. where is that human at such times, in such conditions? where?
the worms are coming. the butterflies went to some other place...
in the morning i watch the worming of the crowd at the grand plaza. i'm part of it myself.for like 15 minutes each school morning i worm like that trying to get free from the crowd as quick as i can. then 15 minutes in the afternoon,on the way back. it's always crowded at such hours. the rush hours.
on the way back i escape the worming into the tram. the things are different in the tram. we're no longer worms, we're sardines. packed like sardines in a crushed tin box. one must admit it is an evolution - sardines are fish, millions of years apart from worms. in the morning is backwards, sardine to worm.
...and i think about wormholes, ah, how they can supply instant transportation to some other space and time, million light years apart.such a luck to find one and travel trough it! no matter where it may lead. this is not my place, my world another would suit just as good if not for the better. plus change is always at least interesting.
anyhow, with a little first-grade math one could add up half an hour of worm life each day,that's at least 2 and a half hours each week respectively an approximation of 100 hours per year of worm life. and i didn't even count the sardine airless, spaceless but oh, so full of smell! hours... and there are many more poor souls who 'enjoy' a longer worm time than i do.
in such situations i wonder about the human. the human next to me and the human in me. where is that human at such times, in such conditions? where?
the worms are coming. the butterflies went to some other place...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Este momentul alegerii presedintelui lumii si votul tau va determina cine este alesul. Iata-i pe cei trei candidati: Candidatul A are legaturi cu politicieni corupti si crede in astrologie. A avut doua amante. Fumeaza ca o locomotiva si bea 8 pana la 10 pahare pe zi. Candidatul B a fost concediat de doua ori, doarme pana dupa pranz, in facultate se droga si bea un sfert de litru de whisky in fiecare noapte. Candidatul C este un medaliat si un erou de razboi. Este un vegetarian convins, consuma doar bere si asta ocazional si nu a avut niciodata legaturi extraconjugale. Dintre acesti trei candidati, pe care l-ai alege (sincer)? Alege, si apoi citeste raspunsul pe care l-am pus la comments.
*sincer nu stiu cat de cunoscut este acest banc dar este mult prea tare si de aceea am decis sa-l pun pe blog:D
*sincer nu stiu cat de cunoscut este acest banc dar este mult prea tare si de aceea am decis sa-l pun pe blog:D
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
in atentia iubitorilor de natura si deci de iarba, a indiferentilor si a tuturor ingerilor sedati, maine e concert Travka in Club A. incepe la orele 9 trecute fix.
PS. in rusa Travka inseamna iarba
PS. in rusa Travka inseamna iarba
Saturday, February 17, 2007
am fost la doua preselectii in astea doua zile. pe una am luat-o pe celalata nu. una era pentru echipa de fotbal a scolii, cealalta pentru brainstorming - trupa de teatru a liceului. ghiciti pe care am luat-o si pe care nu.
sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't.
sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't.
Friday, February 16, 2007
sucide note
i'm killing meself. i'm writing this just for the fun of doing it. one last one, straight into your face!
today it's goodbye, cruel world. wrong world more like. anyway, for the record, this wasn't a hard to take decision. i mean, i've always thought 'bout it, but i kept telling to myself: 'dude, try.maybe there's something out there worth livin for'. but, as some yellow bird put it: 'I twayed,and i twayed but i just couldn't find it'. so enough is enough! it's fuckin painful to live in this shitcrap of a world cuz it's ugly! and when you don't see it's ugliness it's becuz it's faking beauty which is worse than just ugly! it's sick. plus, it's booooring!
today it's goodbye, cruel world. wrong world more like. anyway, for the record, this wasn't a hard to take decision. i mean, i've always thought 'bout it, but i kept telling to myself: 'dude, try.maybe there's something out there worth livin for'. but, as some yellow bird put it: 'I twayed,and i twayed but i just couldn't find it'. so enough is enough! it's fuckin painful to live in this shitcrap of a world cuz it's ugly! and when you don't see it's ugliness it's becuz it's faking beauty which is worse than just ugly! it's sick. plus, it's booooring!
I leave you guyz/girlz. you can keep this place for yirselfs 'cuz if you choose to, you must fuckin' deserve it!
hope you'll like what i leave behind. i'm referring to the mess of course. it's bloody. and artistic. it's bloody-artistic! man, my suicide is artistic! things weren't meant like this just to quake your world and the society - i just wanna leave something behind, a capo d'opera. it's like my departing present for you, haha!
hope you'll like what i leave behind. i'm referring to the mess of course. it's bloody. and artistic. it's bloody-artistic! man, my suicide is artistic! things weren't meant like this just to quake your world and the society - i just wanna leave something behind, a capo d'opera. it's like my departing present for you, haha!
PS: cuz i alwayz liked the person, Z gets all the author's rights in this,(sorry fiend Iulia for this one) the only one who gets the permission to take pictures of my dead body. this is gonna bring Z glory. for sure. it's gonna be spectacular cuz it's the last thing i do and i'm making it unforgettable. i'm so naughty!
hasta la vista!
wishful sinful
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Modern Way
I know cause I've seen it
It was grey and I want it
Theres no point in sitting
Going crazy on my own
Do you know what
I was put here in the world for
Could you tell me
In three words or more
It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here
Take a lesson
From the ones who have been there
My brain is not damaged
But in need of some repair
Hold on to the basics
But we can't change all our tactics
Don't just sit there
Going crazy on your own
It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here
This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking it as they come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
That this is the modern way?
I know where I'm going
I know we are in the knowing
I will stop at nothing
Just to get what I want
It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here
This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking it as they come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
That this is the modern way?
That this is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking them as they come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
That this is the modern way?
a kaiser chiefs blast! my favourite song from this band and the beat my heart beats on right now...
It was grey and I want it
Theres no point in sitting
Going crazy on my own
Do you know what
I was put here in the world for
Could you tell me
In three words or more
It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here
Take a lesson
From the ones who have been there
My brain is not damaged
But in need of some repair
Hold on to the basics
But we can't change all our tactics
Don't just sit there
Going crazy on your own
It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here
This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking it as they come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
That this is the modern way?
I know where I'm going
I know we are in the knowing
I will stop at nothing
Just to get what I want
It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here
This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking it as they come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
That this is the modern way?
That this is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking them as they come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
That this is the modern way?
a kaiser chiefs blast! my favourite song from this band and the beat my heart beats on right now...
Monday, February 12, 2007
la noi... sau ' dar eu cu cine votez,hic??? '
astazi profa de Eu m-a intrebat cu cine votez pe 13 mai. bineinteles ca intrebarea m-a luat prin surprindere, in acel moment gandurile mele erau departe de politica sau de discutiile din clasa, dar am raspuns prompt si cu luciditate. ' alegeri? !nu am auzit de niciun fel de alegeri. nu sunt la curent cu lucrurile de genul asta. nu cred ca am cu cine sa votez.' da, am 18 ani si deci drept de vot. uuuuu, how exciting!
urmarindu-mi colegii am remarcat ca cei mai multi dintre ei s-ar duce la vot - insa cam jumatate au afirmat ca ar face-o la misto si ca l-ar vota pe Becali. au fost si altii care l-ar vota pe Becali la modul cat se poate de serios. concluzie: we're fucked. alternativa: cei care l-ar vota pe Vadim. concluzia:we're fucked.
colega si prietena mea Iulia, 17 ani, s-a aratat ingrijorata de faptul ca noi vom vota si decide pentru ea. NOI! si bineinteles ca a ajuns la concluzia ca daca noi, colectivul clasei 11U1 (cat de haios suna!) , si altii ca noi voteaza she and the whole country are fucked. hehe. m-a deranjat un singur lucru, ca m-a bagat si pe mine in oala alegatorilor de circumstanta. frate, eu nu votez decat daca am cu cine. si cred ca asta ar trebui sa facem cu totii. de ce sa ne lasam tot timpul constransi sa alegem raul cel mai mic? eu zic sa nu mai alegem niciun rau! sa le dam tuturor pass pana cand se vor gasi unii mai vrednici:D
in alta ordine de idei, am auzit astazi la radio BBC cum din nou, opozitia cere alegeri anticipate aducand 25 de argumente impotriva presedintelui T Basescu. unul dintre argumentele forte era ca presedintele a cerut cu ceva timp in urma alegeri anticipate. : deci da, grupa micaaa!!! alta chestie care mi s-a parut remarcabil de absurda: presedintele a cerut sa vorbeasca in parlament azi sau ieri, iar membrii acestuia l-au refuzat spunand ca nu accepta decat in zilele de x la ora 9:30 si respectiv y la ora 14:12. probabil ca domnii aceia din parlament erau prea ocupati in timpul cand presedintele dorea sa aiba acea discutie importanta - adica fie isi citeau ziarele/ motaiau in scaune/ huiduiau sau latrau (pentru ca sincer cam la asta se rezuma ce fac dumnealor acolo din cate am vazut eu accidental la stiri)/ sau nu erau in cladirea parlamentului (deci nu indeplineau atributele postului). concluzie de final: avem o clasa politica imatura si care in contextul international din care facem parte tot nu se sinchiseste de imaginea pe care o creeaza Romaniei prin actiunile sale. nu mai are rost sa ma intreb care mai este rostul acesteia daca nu aduce nicio imbunatatire tarii noastre.
deci eu nu votez. nu fac compromisuri.
urmarindu-mi colegii am remarcat ca cei mai multi dintre ei s-ar duce la vot - insa cam jumatate au afirmat ca ar face-o la misto si ca l-ar vota pe Becali. au fost si altii care l-ar vota pe Becali la modul cat se poate de serios. concluzie: we're fucked. alternativa: cei care l-ar vota pe Vadim. concluzia:we're fucked.
colega si prietena mea Iulia, 17 ani, s-a aratat ingrijorata de faptul ca noi vom vota si decide pentru ea. NOI! si bineinteles ca a ajuns la concluzia ca daca noi, colectivul clasei 11U1 (cat de haios suna!) , si altii ca noi voteaza she and the whole country are fucked. hehe. m-a deranjat un singur lucru, ca m-a bagat si pe mine in oala alegatorilor de circumstanta. frate, eu nu votez decat daca am cu cine. si cred ca asta ar trebui sa facem cu totii. de ce sa ne lasam tot timpul constransi sa alegem raul cel mai mic? eu zic sa nu mai alegem niciun rau! sa le dam tuturor pass pana cand se vor gasi unii mai vrednici:D
in alta ordine de idei, am auzit astazi la radio BBC cum din nou, opozitia cere alegeri anticipate aducand 25 de argumente impotriva presedintelui T Basescu. unul dintre argumentele forte era ca presedintele a cerut cu ceva timp in urma alegeri anticipate. : deci da, grupa micaaa!!! alta chestie care mi s-a parut remarcabil de absurda: presedintele a cerut sa vorbeasca in parlament azi sau ieri, iar membrii acestuia l-au refuzat spunand ca nu accepta decat in zilele de x la ora 9:30 si respectiv y la ora 14:12. probabil ca domnii aceia din parlament erau prea ocupati in timpul cand presedintele dorea sa aiba acea discutie importanta - adica fie isi citeau ziarele/ motaiau in scaune/ huiduiau sau latrau (pentru ca sincer cam la asta se rezuma ce fac dumnealor acolo din cate am vazut eu accidental la stiri)/ sau nu erau in cladirea parlamentului (deci nu indeplineau atributele postului). concluzie de final: avem o clasa politica imatura si care in contextul international din care facem parte tot nu se sinchiseste de imaginea pe care o creeaza Romaniei prin actiunile sale. nu mai are rost sa ma intreb care mai este rostul acesteia daca nu aduce nicio imbunatatire tarii noastre.
deci eu nu votez. nu fac compromisuri.
de pe front,
there's this 'game' on lastfm called ' the corrupt a wish game' and it's a very funny thing to do when bored. the game is like this: one makes a wish and then the next one comes in grants it, but also lists the adverse side effect. so this was like maybe the funniest thing i read there. here it goes:
this is the wish i made:
'i wish i was already dead so i could know what's there, on the other side... if there's anything at all:P '
and then the answer i got:
'granted! you discover that after death a group of Nazis take your soul to a spooky place called the Concentration Camp #55643 designed by the Japanese specifically for Radiohead listeners'
ain't it criminally funny? a concentration camp specially for Radiohead listeners !!!
this is the wish i made:
'i wish i was already dead so i could know what's there, on the other side... if there's anything at all:P '
and then the answer i got:
'granted! you discover that after death a group of Nazis take your soul to a spooky place called the Concentration Camp #55643 designed by the Japanese specifically for Radiohead listeners'
ain't it criminally funny? a concentration camp specially for Radiohead listeners !!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
de obicei cand sunt foarte suparata sau uber plictisita ( de mine) ma tund. azi m-am tuns. inainte de a ma tunde mi-am impletit 3 codite subtiri in partea dreapta. pe acestea nu le-am tuns. demult imi doream sa fac asta. arata aiurea, dar banuiesc ca asta era si ideea.
Friday, February 09, 2007
trink, trink
so lately i've been reading. there was nottin else to be done so ah was readin. and ah finished this book on quantics and this shitcrap of a play by Blaga.but that's jus the boring part. the intriguing part is that i've finished reading these other too books. one of them i found as lame and with a very tiresome narrative - cuz nottin ever really happened there, no conflict- the other was blissful revelation, witty funny and grim. what they books have in common? er the good ol' drinking! i mean all that those motherfuckers in Hemingway's 'The sun also rises' do is drink. they go out into the city and drink from club to pub to restaurant to cafe and all that. and its quite funny how a the whole action,plot,conflict can resume to that. the other book is a grand. Trainspotting. Irvine Welsh. yeah. the characters in that book ar into drinking. yeah it's a bout the smack and all that but what do all the characters in the novel have in common? the drinking, mates! all they do is go drink.
i'm goin' to go for a go.
i'm goin' to go for a go.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Cadavre de orase - G. Papini
printre lecturile mele de acum vreo 4 ani s-a numarat si cartea lui Papini 'Gog'. iata una din povestile lui Gog. una cel putin poetica.
''sunt aproape la sfarsitul unei calatorii prin lumea veche, in cautare de cadavre. un itinerar de ruine si necropole. in loc sa ma opresc in orasele vii, locuite de oameni vii, am fost in pelerinaj in toate orasele moarte, populate de umbre. in egipt, am lasat la o parte cairo si alexandria si-am vizitat heliopolis si teba; in asia, placandde la troia, am vizitat pergam, sardes, ancira, ierihon, apoi, inaintand in desert, fabulosul tadmor, cu o mie de coloane si, in sfarsit, ninive si persepolis - gramezi de daramaturi imperiale. apoi m-am intors in europa: in creta m-am invartit printre palatele dezgropate din cnossos si tirint; in grecia am remarcat resturile din elusis si delfi; in albania,cele de la burtrinto. in sfarsit, am ajuns in italia. in sicilia nu ma-m oprit decat la selinunta. cunosteam pompei, dar am vrut sa revad herculanum; m-am urcat pe stanca de la comae (deasupra pesterei sibilei) ai am ajusn pana la paestum, vechea posidonia. acum imi ramane sa vad, in nord, ostia, norba, vetulonia si populonia.
nu pot spune ca le-am vazut pe toate, dar desigur ca le-am vazut pe cele mai vestite. aceste schelete de piatra ale vechilor stuparii omenesti ma atrag infinit mai mult decat vulgarele metropole in care se ingramadesc hoiturile de maine. coloanele de piatra nu mai suporta arhidrave: ceru lse oglindeste in pavimentul templului. soarele s-a intors in cavouri si in cripte; casele sunt reduse la ziduri daramate; palatele si mormintele sunt goale de locuitori - peste tot cenusa, praf si liniste. pe pietrele desfacute ale strazilor nu mai trec puternici lumii , stapanii caselor si ai provinciilor, ci numai sapatori, arheologi, pelerini - servitori si amatori ai mortii. in odaile in care se radea si se iubea, ploaia cade acum in voie; in amfiteatre, soparlele si scorpionii se incalzesc la soare; in salile regilor isi fac cuiburi bufnitele si pupezele.
altora, aceste ramasite de grandoare, aceste capitale ale placerii si orgoliului, reduse la niste biete ziduri pline de iarba (whole lotta iarba:P), le inspira poate tristete. mie nu. placerea mea pentru distrugere si umilire este sarbatoreste satisfacuta in aceste labirinturi de ruine. in unele momente simt o bucurie orgolioasa, in mijlocul acestei destramari, eu sunt viu; in alte momente gust voluptatea injosirii: si orasele noastre vor deveni la fel cu acestea si mandria noastra va avea acelasi sfarsit. dar totdeauna, intr-un fel sau altul, sufletul meu iese din obisnuit: palmira m-a miscat mai mult decat londra.
orasele pustii sau dezgropate sunt incomparabil mai frumoase decat cele vii. imaginatia reconstruieste, completeaza si obtine un ansamblu mai gradios si mai perfect. pentru mine nu exista ceva in adevar minunat, decat ceea ce nu e sfarsit sau ce e aproape distrus. si mirosul mortii e un elixir puternic pentru cel ce stie ca va trebui sa moara.
in ziua in care am fost la paestum, cerul era acoperit de nori in furtuna. dar a fost de ajuns o singura raza de soare ca sa invieze templul lui neptun, cu puternicele sale coloane de culoarea mierii, roase de secole, dar teribil de vii, aproape ca niste trunchiuri de piatra iesite din pamant, ca sa revad intr-o clipa toata lumina si viata greciei. acea casa mare a unui zeu mort, asezata in mijlocul ierburilor si a crinilor de padure infloriti, mi s-a parut mai vie si mai stralucitoare decat natura. era acolo, aproape, o fata bruna foarte frumoasa, cu o basma rosie pe cap si cu doi ochi de inger de noapte - si parea, cum sedea langa templu, ca e insasi moartea.''
''sunt aproape la sfarsitul unei calatorii prin lumea veche, in cautare de cadavre. un itinerar de ruine si necropole. in loc sa ma opresc in orasele vii, locuite de oameni vii, am fost in pelerinaj in toate orasele moarte, populate de umbre. in egipt, am lasat la o parte cairo si alexandria si-am vizitat heliopolis si teba; in asia, placandde la troia, am vizitat pergam, sardes, ancira, ierihon, apoi, inaintand in desert, fabulosul tadmor, cu o mie de coloane si, in sfarsit, ninive si persepolis - gramezi de daramaturi imperiale. apoi m-am intors in europa: in creta m-am invartit printre palatele dezgropate din cnossos si tirint; in grecia am remarcat resturile din elusis si delfi; in albania,cele de la burtrinto. in sfarsit, am ajuns in italia. in sicilia nu ma-m oprit decat la selinunta. cunosteam pompei, dar am vrut sa revad herculanum; m-am urcat pe stanca de la comae (deasupra pesterei sibilei) ai am ajusn pana la paestum, vechea posidonia. acum imi ramane sa vad, in nord, ostia, norba, vetulonia si populonia.
nu pot spune ca le-am vazut pe toate, dar desigur ca le-am vazut pe cele mai vestite. aceste schelete de piatra ale vechilor stuparii omenesti ma atrag infinit mai mult decat vulgarele metropole in care se ingramadesc hoiturile de maine. coloanele de piatra nu mai suporta arhidrave: ceru lse oglindeste in pavimentul templului. soarele s-a intors in cavouri si in cripte; casele sunt reduse la ziduri daramate; palatele si mormintele sunt goale de locuitori - peste tot cenusa, praf si liniste. pe pietrele desfacute ale strazilor nu mai trec puternici lumii , stapanii caselor si ai provinciilor, ci numai sapatori, arheologi, pelerini - servitori si amatori ai mortii. in odaile in care se radea si se iubea, ploaia cade acum in voie; in amfiteatre, soparlele si scorpionii se incalzesc la soare; in salile regilor isi fac cuiburi bufnitele si pupezele.
altora, aceste ramasite de grandoare, aceste capitale ale placerii si orgoliului, reduse la niste biete ziduri pline de iarba (whole lotta iarba:P), le inspira poate tristete. mie nu. placerea mea pentru distrugere si umilire este sarbatoreste satisfacuta in aceste labirinturi de ruine. in unele momente simt o bucurie orgolioasa, in mijlocul acestei destramari, eu sunt viu; in alte momente gust voluptatea injosirii: si orasele noastre vor deveni la fel cu acestea si mandria noastra va avea acelasi sfarsit. dar totdeauna, intr-un fel sau altul, sufletul meu iese din obisnuit: palmira m-a miscat mai mult decat londra.
orasele pustii sau dezgropate sunt incomparabil mai frumoase decat cele vii. imaginatia reconstruieste, completeaza si obtine un ansamblu mai gradios si mai perfect. pentru mine nu exista ceva in adevar minunat, decat ceea ce nu e sfarsit sau ce e aproape distrus. si mirosul mortii e un elixir puternic pentru cel ce stie ca va trebui sa moara.
in ziua in care am fost la paestum, cerul era acoperit de nori in furtuna. dar a fost de ajuns o singura raza de soare ca sa invieze templul lui neptun, cu puternicele sale coloane de culoarea mierii, roase de secole, dar teribil de vii, aproape ca niste trunchiuri de piatra iesite din pamant, ca sa revad intr-o clipa toata lumina si viata greciei. acea casa mare a unui zeu mort, asezata in mijlocul ierburilor si a crinilor de padure infloriti, mi s-a parut mai vie si mai stralucitoare decat natura. era acolo, aproape, o fata bruna foarte frumoasa, cu o basma rosie pe cap si cu doi ochi de inger de noapte - si parea, cum sedea langa templu, ca e insasi moartea.''
I could be brown I could be blue I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful I could be purple I could be anything you like
Gotta be green Gotta be mean Gotta be everything more
now those lyrics are totally and brilliantly sweet! but that's not the kind of music that helps when you're frustrated and angry and dark and frowning; no,no,no. wonderwall and those cute oasis songs are nice and right only when the sun shines with wormth and hope. right now it's winter.
my chill out music is the satanic one. sanctus diavolos is the cure.the whole album. but everything death, black, grimmish or/and horror goes fine as well! nothing positive will do when i feel like i do right now because i think it's crap. just a nice lie. maybe tomorrow... tomorrow it's gonna get worse! and the day after tomorrow will get even worse.
the only light comes from beneath.
I could be hurtful I could be purple I could be anything you like
Gotta be green Gotta be mean Gotta be everything more
now those lyrics are totally and brilliantly sweet! but that's not the kind of music that helps when you're frustrated and angry and dark and frowning; no,no,no. wonderwall and those cute oasis songs are nice and right only when the sun shines with wormth and hope. right now it's winter.
my chill out music is the satanic one. sanctus diavolos is the cure.the whole album. but everything death, black, grimmish or/and horror goes fine as well! nothing positive will do when i feel like i do right now because i think it's crap. just a nice lie. maybe tomorrow... tomorrow it's gonna get worse! and the day after tomorrow will get even worse.
the only light comes from beneath.
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